Tuesday, December 13, 2005


How do you prepare yourself to see devastation? We have all seen the news clips and photographs splattered throughout different media outlets…but how do you prepare to see it face to face? I am only 2 hours away from this dilemma, and am unsure if there is really anything I can do. Prayer seems to be the only comfort I can turn to. I know scripture says in weakness He is strong…but to truly rely on this strength is far harder to do than to type it. The goal of this trip is to serve the needy of New Orleans, and allow the Lord to change the hearts of all the team members. But what will that change yield? I can only hope to have a better understanding of the Lord’s love. May I experience it more completely. May I be able to proctor it more genuinely.

Logistically: I just phoned Kyle who is with the other 8 of the team flying on a separate trip departing from Portland. I will arrive in New Orleans via San Francisco through Chicago about 2 hours before them, and secure the rental car, and meet up with our hosts from Campus Crusade. So far smooth sailing.

I just got into New Orleans...awaiting the team...they should be here in less than 30 minutes.

~Tony (I am going to try to have the whole team make postings, so each will put their name at the end...)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good luck guys, and remember: "what does the LORD your God ask of you but to fear the LORD your God, to walk in all his ways, to love him, to serve the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul" Deuteronomy 10:12. Know that God will use you as you give of yourselves to serve him. You are all in my prayers!
~Kaitlyn Egbert

9:37 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

im so proud of you doing such amazing things for people! your such a giving person, id fall apart. i really look up to ya with this kinda stuff tony. good luck! i love you!

-janelley belly

1:40 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am so very proud of you all! A trip like this for devoted hearts was in our hopes and prayers during the CCF leadership retreat earlier this year and it's wonderful to see God's work and how He provides so abundantly! Consider yourselves answers to the prayers of many of us who wanted to see CCF sending out ambassadors for the ministry and Christ! Well done, good and faithful servants!

I love you all!
Megan Soto

10:02 PM  

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