Saturday, August 20, 2005


There have been many memorable people from my studies here at the Danish Design School; Nora is certainly one of them. An architecture student from University of Washington (St. Louis), she has a spunk and honesty that always (well maybe not always) is great to have a round. Nora can make you laugh in a minute by simply talking about candy. Her favorite thing in the world is candy. I am thankful she has a big toe, and can swim fast, because if she could not, candy would be the death of her. She loves candy, as you can see from the picture here. She also loves her new husband (not really) Luke, who you will meet in a future entry. Nora will never be able to successfully purchase sunglasses, I am certain! She loves copper rings with Jemstones. She has coined a phrase that will always be with me..."I don't want to loose my drunk"...and she has a way of spilling things on her shelf...All in all Nora was a blast to have around and I look forward to keeping in touch.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great site loved it alot, will come back and visit again.

5:46 PM  

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