Friday, August 05, 2005

Suggest a Name...My Chair in Progress...

So here I am, finishing up my first week in the shop, and I thought I would give you a little sneak peak of the progress I have made on my chair. These are the rough steps, with a lot of detail missing in the middle, but you get the point...

So here is the raw steel, cut to rough lengths. From these pieces, I cut each to the proper angel, and then fit them into the template I made for myself out of wood.

Here are the pieces assembled and ready for welding. Originally I was going to Tik weld the corners, however there is something wrong with the machine, and so I am Wik welding instead. The first of the two frames is now welded, and the second frame is in the slightly larger template. Today I will weld the corners, and begin to sand and buff the steel.

Over the weekend I hope to complete the seat material, and get the whole thing ready to go out to a shop that will put the brush chrome finish on. The stool will have used about 5 meters of steel (1 meter less than the max), and will sit about 50 cm off the ground. I am also designing and building the hook for the stool to hang on the wall when not in use. More photos will come as the completion approaches...but here is a little snippit.

If you think of a clever name, please post a reply on this site, or email me...I need to come up with one...the basic shape is seen above (you can click on it to enlarge), and the seat will be made out of some found signs in plastic from Copenhagen...the whole thing is suppose to serve a dual purpose, hang on a wall as art, and be able to sit on it when drawing or admiring art.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your website has a useful information for beginners like me.

5:46 PM  

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