Monday, July 18, 2005


Helsinki is a city I never thought I would visit…in fact I did not even know it existed until a year ago when I started to study at U Oregon. It seemed more like a swear word than a place, and so obscure that I never even considered a trip. Although this is not my favorite of the Scandinavian cities we have visited, it is actually a pretty impressive place with plenty that merits a visit.

With a vague resemblance to San Francisco, this hilly town has been fun to explore. There was a completely outrageous Modern Art Museum with horrible art. The building by Stephen Holl was really spectacular, but the art just hurt the building’s positive flow and lighting.

Visiting Alvar Aalto’s home and studio (a really famous architect for those of you that do not know) was very cool. After reading so much, and seeing photos of the places he designed, it was very rewarding to be inside the buildings, and be able to appreciate the building in person. Surprisingly, his work was just as impressive in person.

Heading back to Copenhagen soon on a cruise liner...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great site lots of usefull infomation here.

5:46 PM  

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