Tuesday, August 30, 2005


After 2 days in Berlin, I really do not know where to begin. Berlin is a really amazing city, and a Mecca of sorts as far as architecture goes. I really enjoyed the Jewish History Museum. The building had within it 3 different very moving rooms in memory of the Jews killed during the Holocaust. In addition to be really emotional, it was also quite educational. As I think I stated while in Amsterdam, I visited Anne Frank's house and purchased her Diary. I just finished it today (the 6th book I have read this summer!). I feel a new simpathy and horror for the events. Traveling can definately open your eyes to so much if you allow it.

I am staying with a guy I met through a website that pairs travelers. Their goal is to make traveling as inexpensive as possible, so you can send a quick email about yourself, and then a local can let you sleep at their home while you visit their city. I am staying with a guy named Albi, who is originally from Hungary. He is a student of Economics here in Berlin, and has been a perfect host! It has been great to have a home base, and some one to chat about the days events with. This cost saver has been a Godsend!

Less than a week to go...I am now debating going to Munich, and may go to Luxenburg City, Basel, and or Ronchamp instead...so many options out here! I will decide at some point tomorrow I guess...but I may stay here one additional day as well since I have barely cracked the surface of Berlin!

As an aside, I have decided to write more often. After reading a few books this summer, and keeping this log, I want to develop this skill further. Who knows, maybe someday I can replace Rick Steves and write travel books in my own flair.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice! Where you get this guestbook? I want the same script.. Awesome content. thankyou.

5:46 PM  

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