Friday, December 16, 2005

Day 4 - December 16, 2005

Hi! Dannielle here. One of the biggest things God has been teaching me on this trip so far is our need for total dependence upon Him. I have never been in place or worked within a group where that is more apparent. Within the tent where we work, everyday we are able to see God provide for the camp and provide food and clothing for the people currently working and living within New Orleans. Without God's provision, there is no way that many of the people who enjoy free dinner and lunch everyday and obtain necessities from the free store, which operates next door, would be able to survive without God working in the mist of this situation through this ministry. The other day, when we visited the ninth ward, the part of the city hit the hardest, the need for reliance upon God was so visible. Looking at the remains of these houses it seems as if the focus of our lives is to "be successful" and our proof of living successfully is by the house we own, the car we drive, the relationships we have, but in a moment they can all be taken away. Our possessions with which we related ourselves too much can disappear, but the great thing is that no matter what God will never leave us or forsake us. How awesome is that! If we depend upon Him we will never have anything to worry about as our future is secure in Christ. So... as you think about all of us keep prayin', keep prayin' that we will experience Christ everyday even more and praise Him for all that He has done and especially pray for the people of Louisiana. God Bless!



Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't think the devistation of the lower 9 will ever be completly captured by a photograph.

6:25 PM  

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