Thursday, July 20, 2006

Book Report.

So I have been doing a lot of reading, as is typical during my travels. So, for those of you who care, here is what is done and in progress with a brief summary.
This was my first Vonnegut. I really did not know what to expect. It was a very fast read that starts with something as simple as writing a book, and finishes with the end of the world. I love the narration quality of the book, and would gladly recommend it to anyone looking for a quick read, that has many layers.

Eco is one of those writers everyone has heard of, knows they should read, but never do. This book was quite intense, very complicated, and at times tough to follow the logic. I really enjoyed the challenge of this book, and the history it covers in a thrilling story. I think Dan Brown might have had some inspiration from this book (in fact, I am pretty sure there wasn't an original idea in DaVinci Code that isn't eluded to in this novel). I would recommend this book to anyone with quite a bit of time, and the patience to get through to Chapter 10.

Ludlum is one of my favorite adventure reads. I have not seen the movie, and a book always ruins them for me, so I may never see it. This book was great. I read the first in the series last summer, so it was like continuing my travels with Jason. This series is everything you could want in adventure, mystery.

Part of the suggested reading for this summer, is the commentary on present day Turkey. I will update my thoughts on it later this summer, because I have only just begun reading it. I had no idea how complicated the history of Constantinople / Istanbul, but I am eager to learn. We leave in a week, and it will be great to know more before arriving.

I have been told 1000 times I HAVE to read this book. At 1100 pages it has always been a bit overwhelming, but this summer I am going to do it. I am starting today and am eager to love it as much as everyone tells me I will.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I work with your mom, and I just got back from a trip to Istanbul. I absolutely fell in love with the city and with Turkey. I've been wanting to read more of its history, so I'll have to check out Crescent and Star now!

When you're in Istanbul, try to go to the Blue Mosque at night. I think it was at 9 p.m. They have a sound and light show that narrates the history of the city, and it's terrific. I think they did the show in English on Sunday night. Also, at a restaurant nearby, they have whirling dervishes performing on the patio. Enjoy!

7:10 PM  

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