Sunday, August 27, 2006

Baby Got Back

So we are just about ready to head back to Rome. We had a couple days here in Florence, and saw all of the important sights. We also took a day trip to Pisa and Siena yesterday. In Siena we happened across a festival of the winners from the Palio which was a blast to watch. The whole parade was an exhibit of the winning neighborhood. We saw the winning horse, and many Italians acting out different little skits, and singing a range of different songs. All in all, it was one of those pictures into a culture you will never forget.

While watching the festivities, we were sitting at a table on the Campo (having the best meal in Tuscany yet) when I noticed a women wearing a dress that was far too tight for her. So tight in fact, that I could not tell if she was facing me, or walking away. Her back cleavage was very voluptuous. We had quite the laugh over the display.


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