Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Paris to Avignon to Nice to Monaco to Nice to Paris

As you can tell by the title, we have jumping around a bit.

In Paris, BT and I met up with Matt, who has a friend here in Paris. We had a few drinks and got to see the night life of Paris, including a very sketchy bar that the Perisians go to on weeknights. Our hotel was right in the heart of the Parisian Bohemian capital, which made the whole thing quite the adventure. We decided to make that our home when we return to Paris for the final few days...

After the evening in Paris, we shot down the TGV (speed train) to Avignon. There we saw the Palace of the Pope. This huge dwelling was used by 4 Popes during the 14th century when Rome was under seige. The term Rome moves to where ever the Pope is, so Avignon became Rome for nearly 100 years. Not quite the Vatican, but certainly impressive and very interesting.

Then...a rental car to Nice...ooof...is there a story there...not even 2 hours after picking up the rental car, did we find ourselves with a flat, on the side of a French highway with little European Smart cars wizzing by us at 100 mph. We had to put on the spare, and called the rental company. Turns out, they expect us to buy a new tire...we are still not sure what we are going to do about that, but a fight will certainly ensue...who will be the victor you ask? Make a guess ;)

Once we got to Nice (going VERY slowly the whole way since we were on a spare) we found a great little hotel, and set out for the evening. After a nice meal on the beach side street, we went into a Casino...and oh my word... The French do not take gambling lightly...the term "gaming" has no connection with Casinos. The room is completely silent, and you have to go through a whole series of loops just to get into the building. Matt lost 200 at Black jack...but don't despair...there is good news comming.

Yesterday we headed off to Monaco. This place is really amazing. Words can't describe it, but this little independant country on the French Riviera has money to burn, and the richies know how to do it in style. We have never seen so many high class cars in our lives! We toured the Palace grounds, and the Aquarium of Monaco, which were all really fantastic...but the creme de la creme was the Monte Carlo Casino. The pastiche of this place was uncanny. After the same rigamarole as Nice, we found our selves inside the most magnificent casino any of us had ever fathomed. Matt decided he could not come to the most notorious Casino in the world, and not try again...so he pulled another $300 out, and decided to give it one last try. You should have seen the cards...all, one after another...good call after good calll...the lady two seats down was quite the good luck charm, and was somehow able to call the cards as they came...truly amazing...we left the Monte Carlo Casino with 3 times what we came with...we were in awe...After the trimphant win, we watched a bit...and a guy at the Roulette table was betting 30K at a time...we saw him loose some, and win about 80K as well...I will never understand that kind of money...and will doubly never understand people who would throw it away on a game as stupid as Roulette...but it was quite the sight to see regardless.

BT and I dropped Matt off at the train station this morning...we are going to go hit the beach for a few hours, and then catch the night train back to Paris tonight. AN update will come after we meet up with Andrew, and really cause some trouble in Pairs.

Saturday, June 25, 2005

A Snag

So, I spoke a bit too soon about everything going as planned. Bryan and I woke up this morning at 5:00 am and were out the door at 5:30 am to catch our "7:45 am" flight (right on schedule). Metro and bus were right on time. At about 6:05 am, Bryan looked back over the itinerary one last time. Our flight's departure was scheduled for 6:00 am.

Realizing any attempt to catch that flight was lost, we arrived at the airport at 6:15. Our airline only has one flight out of Prague a day, at 6:00 am...and the next two days were completely booked. So, to other airline booths we go...the first one had a flight out of Prague at 10:50 am...but was going to cost $800. Needless to say, we went wimpering away from that option. The second window we encountered had just sold its last ticket for the 10:05 am flight...but "fortunate" for us, there was room on the 1:05 pm flight. This flight causes us to miss our train to Southern France today, but turns out that works just fine, because Matt's luggage was lost on his way from Germany to Paris, so we would have had to work around that anyway.

So all in all the cost ended up being about 300 Euros (whatever that is) and a few hours of delay. We are still not sure when we are going to be able to leave for the South of France, or what adventures await us as we try to switch our train tickets...but have no fear, we will be back on track (and just a bit poorer) in no time.

This is one of those things that makes traveling exciting. There should be a test you have to take for this too...how well you can handel life's litle twist and turns while abroad. No week stomaches here...Bryan, Matt and I are all fine with the changes...and have started laughing the day off as a total wash.

Friday, June 24, 2005

Prague in Review

The city has not lost its charm after this forth day. We have seen Chrarles Bridge, Prague Castle, and the old Jewish Quarter which were all fantastic. A Czech massage rouded off our final day quite nicely. After plenty of beer, and tons of walking, the French Riviera is sounding quite refreshing.

We saw a perfect example of the ugly American traveler tonight at dinner...and tried especially hard to counter the negative vibe the waitress was sending out. I thnk you should have to get a license to travel, testing your ability to interact outside your home country. The ability to stay cool and take the hits as they come is a life lesson all travelers need to adhere to.

Architects side note: The city here is ped friendly. The streets are all mainly occupied by foot traffic. The streets sweel to allow for many opportunities for activity including outdoor dining, jesters and street performers, and vendors. Although it is fun to walk around, it is a bit cofusing since it is not on a grid. The canal has a large bend also adding to the confusion of the city. The Gehry building is worth discussing as well. There is no response to site, and it is quite the object among a very similar cityscape.

Thursday, June 23, 2005

Prague - First Impressions

After a full 2 days of travel I have finally found myself in a beautiful, clean hostel in a fantatic part of Prague. The metro, train, and planes all followed our schedule perfectly, and we never had to wait for anything. After a much needed shower, and a 9 hour sleepfest, I am back to my spry self...plus an unfortunate huge blister. Prague is totally impressive. We were able to walk across the Charles bridge tonight, which was completely breathtaking. The view of the old city in lights was quite spectacular. Food and beer are inexpensive here, and I am wishing I could stay longer. The city center is beautiful and impecably clean. The streets all have fantastic energy and life. Tomorrow we will explore the castle and the accompanying grounds.

It is great to have lost track of days and the responsibilities of school. I know my summer term is quickly approaching, but for the moment I am completly enjoying the break of the intense studio load.

Brian and I met 3 people here in Prague and had a fantastic dinner with them tonight. Basically everything has gone perfectly.

Cheers for now, and more to come soon.